Friday, June 6, 2014

7 healthier tips on eating right

1) Fresh fruit and vegetables have high fibre content which can increase satiety and prevent constipation. (Fruit best for digestion: Soursop,golden kiwi, apple,....) (Vegetable best for digestion: Carrot,sweet potato,turnip,....)

2) Eat less salty food to prevent water retention.

3) Steam,boil,broth,stew using less  oil or no oil are healthy cooking methods that one shoul adopt.

4) Increase fibre content by eating brown rice and whole wheat.

5) Control portion of food for each meal, eat till 70% full, never overeat.

6) Restriction consumption of alcohols,sugared beverages,desserts,canned food and snacks.

7) Do not drink iced water and eat frozen foods like ice cream as these foods will affect our digestive system to perform optimally, our digestion system require certain temperature to function.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Time is for current activity

When you eat, you just eat and think of nothing else other than what to eat, when you sleep, you do not participate in your thought process, you simply just let your thoughts go through.. When you exercise, you focus on the object/portion you are using or breathing in and out for aerobic exercise.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

When time and money becomes problems

  • Money is a problem when not enough,want more, and have too much, do not know how to spend wisely.

  • Time is a problem so don't solve problem, just manage them. Manage a problem long enough and it goes away but if the problem was not enough time, you have to time-out.

  • Hunger consumes time so manage your hunger and stay hungry.
  • What are you hungry for?Your needs become clear that time is worth much more than money and now where is your next meal coming from.

Buy time as time is for sale to pay for your freedom.
  • Manage your energy like electricity in a battery and charge yourself whenever it is possible, do not wait till you have left 5% in your phone, take a day off.

    The power of no. Say no to distractions and no to commitments.

    What to do next: too much time being hungry or sated, change your hunger from money to time. If too much money, change your hunger from time to money. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Help when neccessary

  • Help others when you are  feeling well.
  • Help others when you are free from burdens of task. 
  • Help others who are willing to accept your help.
  • Help others when they are worthy of your  help.

Conclusion: One should only help when others require your assistance and are willing to accept your help and must be deemed as deserving to be helped.

1)Do not help others when you are not feeling well.
2)Do not help others when you are already preoccupied with a lot of tasks and have deadline to meet.
3)Do not help others who are not willing to accept your help.
4)Do not help others when they do not deserve your help.

Unless it is  an emergency, one can ignore the above 4 rules and aid/help the person in need.