Friday, June 6, 2014

7 healthier tips on eating right

1) Fresh fruit and vegetables have high fibre content which can increase satiety and prevent constipation. (Fruit best for digestion: Soursop,golden kiwi, apple,....) (Vegetable best for digestion: Carrot,sweet potato,turnip,....)

2) Eat less salty food to prevent water retention.

3) Steam,boil,broth,stew using less  oil or no oil are healthy cooking methods that one shoul adopt.

4) Increase fibre content by eating brown rice and whole wheat.

5) Control portion of food for each meal, eat till 70% full, never overeat.

6) Restriction consumption of alcohols,sugared beverages,desserts,canned food and snacks.

7) Do not drink iced water and eat frozen foods like ice cream as these foods will affect our digestive system to perform optimally, our digestion system require certain temperature to function.

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